"Friends are like angels who lift our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."
I just returned from a week in Mexico with my Mom, great Aunt and Uncle. Drinking chocolate shakes, eating chips and salsa, reading books poolside...It was heaven.
On Wednesday afternoon, I found myself floating aimlessly in the pool, looking up at the cloudless blue sky. My mind drifted to the tender blessings that have flooded my life in the past four months.
Don't get me wrong. Div...ahem...the D word is hell. Nothing can sugarcoat that. And while I can't argue that this has been the hardest period of my life, I think that it also has been the sweetest.
I had friends come out of the woodwork from around the country. I spent a weekend in LA with my college roommate while another flew to Denver from Mississippi a mere 72 hours after finding out about the D. She almost single-handedly packed up my apartment. A friend saw me tear up at Church one Sunday and within seconds had her arms wrapped around me in the tightest hug. She stayed just like that until my tears dried. I have come home from work to bouquets of flowers on more than one occasion, opened care packages and received chats, emails and texts just when I needed them.
This Thanksgiving, amidst the pain of my current situation, I feel such immense gratitude for the angels that surround me.
I have never felt so loved.