Is it Friday already? Wowza, this week flew by! I'm thinking of all the rain hitting my home in Colorado the last few days. It's totally bizarre. I grew up in a perpetual drought so the idea that Colorado has already gotten a bulk of its annual rainfall in the last week alone is completely wild. My prayers with to those being affected by the storms, but knowing the people of Colorado, they'll be up and at 'em in no time.
And now, 10 links for your weekend...
I love this piece by Delia Ephron.
A look at the first person to die on 9/11.
10 unhealthy foods that masquerade as healthy.
This video cracked Jared and I up.
J.T. and Jimmy Fallon give us the 'Evolution of End Zone Dancing.'
Are you thinking about picking up one of the new iPhones?
These protein truffles look delicious.
Anne Hathaway is selling some real estate: Her closet.
Marriage advice from a divorced man is drawing national attention. And his advice is golden.
Make plaid stylish in your home this fall.
(Photo: Pinterest)
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