Hunter boots have been in a sad, sad state since Hurricane Sandy. I've actually been fond of the scuffs and residue. They remind me of days spent in the Rockaways with
my church. We helped residents by shoveling sand out of their basements, picking up moldy drywall by the handfuls and cleaning up what we could of the
destruction Hurricane Sandy left behind.

But it came to the point where I knew these boots needed a little sprucing up. While Hunter sells
boot buffer, I'm always looking for the inexpensive (read: free) way to get things done. I heard olive oil was great for cleaning up rain boots, so I laid out an old issue of The New York Times and got to work.

I laid my boots out flat and drizzled the olive oil along its surface. Then I scrubbed with a paper towel.
One down...

Almost as good as new.

I think if I had a few episodes of "Parks & Recreation" playing in the background and spent more time scrubbing the nooks and crannies, the boots really would look brand new. But hey, they're looking pretty good for 20 minutes and a bottle of oil!
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