Do you practice affirmations? In other words, do you say positive statements or declarations about yourself daily?
I remember when I was first introduced to the concept during some random successful living seminar. I wrote some down and said them to myself for a few days, but the whole thing felt silly. I tucked them into a book that I never reopened.
A few years later, I went through my divorce and was seeing a counselor to tackle that beast. During our conversations, we learned that I really struggled with negative self-talk. I would often say horrible things to myself, usually without even realizing it, that included "You're so stupid," "What makes you think you can ____?," "No one likes you," etc. Terrible, right? My counselor asked me if I would be friends with someone who said those kinds of things to me. Definitely not. Yet, I was saying them to myself all the time. And you can't really get away from yourself, you know? I was stuck.
My counselor helped me outline some daily affirmations to say whenever I felt those negative thoughts creep in. I can't tell you how much of my life changed by this practice. Not only was I able to battle negative thoughts, but I actually started to really understand and believe the positive things I was saying, leading to a huge boost in self-security. I often repeat them over and over and over and over if I'm having a hard moment so that negative thoughts don't even get a chance.
Below are the affirmations my counselor and I created that I still use to this day. Feel free to borrow them, if you'd like!
I am a unique and worthwhile human being.
I have a right to make mistakes and take responsibility for them.
I have the right to feel all of my feelings, and I have the responsibility to communicate them in healthy ways.
I deserve to be treated with respect and consideration.
I have the right to be myself without feeling I'm not good enough.
I will give myself acceptance and validity instead of looking to others to do that.
I have the right to move forward with my life, despite what others are doing or not doing.
My first responsibility is to my own growth and well-being. The better I feel about myself, the better I'll be toward others.
My actions may be good or bad but this does not make me good or bad.
Every experience I have in life, whether pleasant or unpleasant, contributes to my learning and growth.
Even two years after creating them, these sentences still help me battle any seemingly negative situation or mindset in which I find myself. I'd love to hear what affirmations you have or your experience with the practice!
I used affirmations during my first pregnancy to prepare for labor and delivery, and it was very helpful. You've got some awesome affirmations there. I like how a couple focus on responsibility as well, that is very empowering. I might borrow some of them :)