Changing my name was kind of up in the air when we married. When I became an "Eley" again after round one, I felt so restored (which is oddly the legal term for going back to your maiden name...having your name "restored"). I felt full and proud to say my name because of what it represented: regaining my identity.
So when Jared and I decided to lock one another down, we kind of avoided talking about potentially changing my name. I think he knew I wasn't really ready to decide...When we would discuss it, it was normally Jared telling me that the ball was in my court, which is really the truth, but deep down, I guess I felt like I wanted to take his name in some regard. Thinking about having a family name, sharing that with my children, all that jazz.
I've mulled over it for months. Will I hyphen? Will I drop Eley? Skip this whole debacle and just stick with my maiden name? Ugh, I still feel a bit split up over each option, but I also feel like it's now or never since the name change process involves a stack of paper work and three trips to the courthouse that I would rather get behind me.
How do you feel about the tradition to change your name after marriage? Did you do it? Why or why not?
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