And I said yes.
New York Print
Monday, October 14, 2013
Design amp; DIY,
Jillian Harris,
New York City,
Sugar Paper
Remembering past falls
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
I took a nice, long, overdue walk through Central Park Sunday morning. The yellow leaves were falling from the trees and being swept away by the wind. It was cloudy and drizzling just a tad-enough to make you want to cuddle under the covers and eat some sort of carbohydrate made with pumpkin. I love this time of year.
Fall has become a rather sentimental period for me. The colors, the changes, that crispness in the air...I find myself continually taken back to this time two years ago. It reminds me of packing up my apartment and selling my reupholstered green wingback chair that I had once imagined my future children sitting in. It reminds me of hugging my ex-husband goodbye after signing the last of the divorce papers. He wanted to remain friends, but I knew deep down it was the last time I would ever see him. It reminds me of sitting down to dinner with my parents and sister, who graciously let me move back into my childhood home for a year. It reminds me of spending Thanksgiving in Cancun with my mom, aunt and uncle. My aunt had insisted that I join her on her annual Mexico vacation after she found out about the divorce. We laughed so much during that trip. I still remember my mom and I giggling in the airport security line at the TSA agent who was more like a drill sergeant. It reminds me of flipping through vocab. flash cards in my cubicle at work as I studied for the GRE and imagined a future in New York. It reminds me of going to my friend's wedding in Utah. I hadn't told any of my friends about the divorce at that point as I didn't want to put a damper on the day. I remember driving my rental car to the wedding location and giving myself a pep talk. "If you can hold it together for the wedding," I told myself, "then you can cry as much as you need to tonight when you're back in the hotel room." It reminds me of the overwhelming amount of love and support that I was shown by so many people during that fall season. I tear up just thinking about it.
Oddly, I miss that fall so much. There is an amazing sense of clarity that comes in challenging times. I knew exactly what mattered and didn't care much to spend my energy on anything that didn't. I have tried so hard to hold on to that clarity, but I find it often gets muddled. To be honest, that really terrifies me. Here's to continually being grateful for our hard times, for grasping on to a clear perspective, recognizing what really matters and not spending energy on anything that doesn't.
Physique 57 Addict
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
(Image from Well+Good)
Health amp; Wellness,
Physique 57
Tonight You Belong To Me
Monday, September 23, 2013
Jared's friend made this sweet video with his daughter when she was scared of the fireworks outside. I've been watching it over and over in between prepping for interviews. What a sweet dad! And what an adorable little girl! And how do I teach my child to harmonize?!
Love amp; Relationships,
Links For Your Weekend
Friday, September 20, 2013
A few links to kick off your weekend. Take a read, then go soak up this crisp fall air!
Tips for running a marathon. (I'm almost done qualifying for the NYC 2014 marathon!)
This is happening.
Take 40 percent off at Loft today!
A Dairy Queen rockstar.
Is fall cleaning the new spring cleaning?
Best Subway Performance
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Subway music can be...well...less than stellar. But these guys blew me and everyone else away when they busted out in Miley Cyrus' "Wrecking Ball." I wanted to miss my train and stick around to hear more! Keep an eye out for them on the platform at Bedford Avenue.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Jared and I made our way to Smorgasburg in Brooklyn over the weekend. It's essentially a giant food festival and I'll tell you what, New Yorkers know their food. After we stuffed ourselves with grilled cheese, barbecue sandwiches and ice cream, we sprawled out on the grass and stared at the Manhattan skyline. Go. Do. And grab a mint ice cream sandwich on your way out for good luck.
10 Links For Your Weekend
Friday, September 13, 2013
Is it Friday already? Wowza, this week flew by! I'm thinking of all the rain hitting my home in Colorado the last few days. It's totally bizarre. I grew up in a perpetual drought so the idea that Colorado has already gotten a bulk of its annual rainfall in the last week alone is completely wild. My prayers with to those being affected by the storms, but knowing the people of Colorado, they'll be up and at 'em in no time.
And now, 10 links for your weekend...
I love this piece by Delia Ephron.
A look at the first person to die on 9/11.
10 unhealthy foods that masquerade as healthy.
This video cracked Jared and I up.
J.T. and Jimmy Fallon give us the 'Evolution of End Zone Dancing.'
Are you thinking about picking up one of the new iPhones?
These protein truffles look delicious.
Anne Hathaway is selling some real estate: Her closet.
Marriage advice from a divorced man is drawing national attention. And his advice is golden.
Make plaid stylish in your home this fall.
(Photo: Pinterest)
The Sphere At The World Trade Center
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Sitting in the outdoor plaza in between the twin towers was a bronze, 25-foot statue known as the Sphere. The German statue symbolized world peace through world trade and rotated as it sat in the center of a ring of fountains that became a popular lunch spot for trade center workers.
Then the world changed and buildings came crashing down on this symbolic piece. But like this country of ours, it prevailed. Quite damaged, but still standing.
Next time you're in Manhattan and visiting the World Trade Center site, walk a few blocks south to Battery Park. There, you'll find the Sphere sitting in sight of its old home.
""For three decades, this sculpture stood in the plaza of the World Trade Center. Entitled "The Sphere", it was conceived by artist Fritz Koenig as a symbol of world peace. It was damaged during the tragic events of 11 September 2001, but endures as an icon of hope and the indestructible spirit of this country. The Sphere was placed here on 11 March 2002 as a temporary memorial to all who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center."
(Photos: Google Image)
The Rooftop at the Met
Sunday, September 8, 2013
A little tip for those visiting New York City: The view from the rooftop at The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a must. Fifth floor. Make sure you have a camera on you and plenty of time to gaze a the tree tops and marvel at the surrounding buildings.
Another little tip: The $25 admission fee is a suggested donation. What you actually pay is up to y-o-u.
Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York City,
10 Links For Your Weekend
Friday, September 6, 2013
Bethenny Frankel's talk show is kicking early next week. Are you interested in watching?
Tips to avoid digital distractions.
Change up your bedroom with these five tips.
Day dream with me.
I had to get to the bottom of the Shake Shack crinkle-cut fry debacle.
Take 30 percent off Madewell sale items today!
I love this DIY for soda cans.
These teachers made a One Direction music video. Lucky students!
This easy pasta dish looks delicious.
I've watched this video a dozen times this week.
BONUS LINK: Don't you love that pillow cover above? Get yours here.
Best Bagels in New York City
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
One of my favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is roll out of bed, slap on a hat and head up to Absolute Bagels in Morningside Heights. Not only does this place have the fluffiest bagels around, but the fridge is stocked with Toffuti cream cheeses galore for the lactose intolerant (ahem...). If you come to NYC, you must get a bagel by doing the following:
- Stroll up Broadway
- Grab cash at the ATM
- Stand in line at Absolute Bagel (it moves fast...kind of...)
- Enjoy the fabulous people watching
- Get your bagel and a Diet Coke
- Walk across the street to Strauss Park
- Dig in
TV Fast
Monday, September 2, 2013
Which is why....
I am on a no TV fast for the week. Between graduate school and this stack of books that I've been inching through, I truly shouldn't be watching any TV, so I'm pulling the plug.
Can I do it??
Links For Your Weekend
Friday, August 30, 2013
Here are 10 links that caught my eye this week...
Five signs that you might need a fall detox.
This video made my tear up.
Great tips on customizing Ikea frames. I think I'll do the striped one soon!
Ever wonder if you should eat before exercising? Here's your answer.
This beach house was made from two barns. I'll be moving in right now.
I always love seeing Kate.
Take 20 percent off full-price clothing at ASOS this weekend.
I love this look from Jillian Harris.
Jared, we're making this pad thai sometime soon.
The manager of my favorite home store gave tips on adding details to your home.
The Best Beach Chairs
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I'm kicking myself a bit after our trip to the Jersey Shore. Why haven't we gone sooner?! And now summer's over! [Insert pout.]
We had such a great time over the weekend with our friends at the beach. And let me say, parents really know how to pack for a beach day. If it were just me, I would have a towel and sunblock. That's it. But our friends in New Jersey, they know how to do it right. We're talking snacks, beach toys and what I declare the best beach chairs ever. Not only are they comfortable, but when you're carrying your friend's baby on your hip and holding a three-year-old girl's hand as you all cross the street, you don't want to be juggling a beach chair, too.
beach chairs,
Jersey Shore,
New York City
10 Links for Your Weekend
Friday, August 23, 2013
I mentioned to a girlfriend the other night that I have yet to go to the beach this summer. She gasped. Apparently I have not kept up with the Manhattan summer way of living, which includes galavanting off to the beach during the weekends! But no longer, people! I'm off to the Jersey Shore this weekend to soak up the last drops of summer. But before I go, here are 10 links to get this beach weekend started off!
Move over kale. Dandelions are the new must-have greens in town.
A look at Eva Chen, Lucky's editor-in-chief, and how at 33, her success could help keep print magazines trendy for the younger generation.
It amazes me that spaces like this exist in Manhattan. To be wealthy in NYC!
These flats are the shoe to have this fall. I'm seeing them pop up all over the city.
A photographer in Salt Lake City is taking submissions of people with awkward teen photos to show other teens that life - and looks- get better.
Here's a piece I wrote about an eco-friendly perfume that just launched.
I keep checking in on, where you can score amazing deals on jewelry.
I wrote this gallery with 15 cool lunch and back packs for kids, but I want all of them for my 27-year-old self.
I can't get enough of this slideshow of couples getting married at NYC's City Hall. Jared? Lunch break today? Kidding....Kidding...
Six things to do before school starts.
(Photo: Pinterest)
That One Time I Tried Online Dating: Part 3
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Now let's make something clear before going any further. I would not agree to pick up some guy at the airport that I had talked to only via email without doing some background research. I didn't want to make headlines as a missing person and become the main character on an episode of "Dateline." Fortunately, my girlfriend, Chelsey, recognized someone in one of Jared's online pictures (oh gosh, this online dating world sounds so crazy as I type it out). It just so happened to be Chelsey's husband's cousin and after a little investigating, we learned her husband's cousin was Jared's roommate. Following?? On top of that, I have a friend who teaches at Jared's school and he confirmed that Jared was who he said he was. I considered the guy vetted.
The day of the date arrived and oh my goodness, my mind was moving a million miles a minute. I couldn't think a straight sentence! I stopped by Chelsey's house on the way to the airport to get any final words of encouragement. With her son bouncing on her hip, she tried to calm my nerves but nothing was going to stop my mind from racing. It was time to rip the Band-Aid off and do this. I said a quick prayer and off I went to the airport.
Love amp; Relationships,
online dating,
Stress Tip
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A picture from one of my favorite running paths in Central Park.
Life is feeling a little bit crazy over here today. My final semester of graduate school is rapidly approaching and I'm trying to get a leg up on my thesis beforehand while also juggling freelance work, prepping for an upcoming project, stretching my tight graduate school budget and gosh, is that it? I feel like there are at least 10 other things going on right now.
I am not an expert at handling stress, but I will say that exercise is essential at times like these. Isn't that kind of terrible? When we have a dozen other things pulling at us, that it's most crucial then to take a time out and go exercise? But even if it's only a walk through the park or a Physique 57 DVD (I am obsessed), I'm so much more efficient if I take the time to exercise and then hop into the madness.
What's most important for you when it comes to dealing with stress?
10 Running Songs For A 9-Minute Mile
Monday, August 19, 2013
My older brother spent two weeks with me in June and loved walking the New York City streets. He would walk miles taking in the city, and he began teaching me about matching walking pace with the beats per minute (BPM) of whatever song I was listening to. Basically, we tend to walk or run faster when we're listening to music with more beats per minute. I decided to apply this concept to my running playlists, and I learned that I needed to listen to songs that had about 160 BPM when I was running to make a 9-minute mile. And voila, a new running playlist was made!
So here you are, ten songs that will help you run a 9-minute mile pace. Please appreciate the Vitamin C throwback and the back-to-back setup of Taylor Swift and Outkast.
"I Saw Her Standing There" -The Beatles (160 BPM)
"Suds in the Bucket" -Sara Evans (161 BPM)
"Sugar, We're Goin' Down" -Fall Out Boy (162 BPM)
"The Middle" -Jimmy Eat World (162 BPM)
"American Saturday Night" -Brad Paisley (158 BPM)
"Graduation (Friends Forever)" -Vitamin C (160 BPM) (BLAST FROM THE PAST!)
"Jump Then Fall" -Taylor Swift (160 BPM)
"Hey Ya!" -Outkast (160 BPM)
"Footloose" -Kenny Loggins (160 BPM)
"Gangsta's Paradise"- Coolio featuring L.V. (160 BPM)
10 Links For Your Weekend
Friday, August 16, 2013
Sneaking a pick of Jared at our neighborhood crepe place Wednesday night. The weather was perfect for crepes and a walk down Columbus.
Happy weekend, everyone! New York City has been absolutely dreamy the past few days with the most delicious weather. I'm looking forward to lacing up my shoes this weekend and going for a long run in the park before tackling my to-do list. But first, 10 links to kick it all off...
These tips have me craving a home office. Or, you know, a work office.
A funny graphic about what it's like to search for a home.
Some great deals for last-minute summer vacations.
How to wear pastels this fall.
I must whip up this dairy-free strawberry vanilla coconut ice cream.
What do you think about the upcoming movie "Austenland"?
Jimmy Fallon talks surrogacy with Savannah Guthrie.
Nasvhille. Season two. I can hardly contain my excitement.
Thinking about snatching up these booties for fall.
Tips for shopping at vintage stores.
Q&A With Shannon Cornelius and Lori Frost from Plum Street Prints
Thursday, August 15, 2013
As wives, mothers and co-owners of Plum Street Prints, Shannon and Lori are doing it all. While they make it look easy, these women are the first to admit that running a full-time business and juggling family life can be hectic.
“We learned an important lesson early on that working from home isn’t good for parents or kids if it’s interfering with our time together,” Shannon admits. “Let’s just say our kids were a tad cranky and missing us when we first started our business!”
These women quickly learned a few tricks to help balance work and family, and now, two-and-a-half years after launching Plum Street Prints, the company has drawn the attention of Glamour magazine, Tory Burch’s merchandising team and smart phone/tablet users searching for a case they are excited to sport.
Shannon and Lori share what they’ve learned about managing a growing household and a growing business.
Plum Street Prints,
Women in Business
Free iPhone Flower Wallpaper
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Considering that we look at our smart phones dozens of times a day, why not throw on an attractive graphic as your wallpaper to give you a little sight for sore eyes? I'm digging this free iPhone floral wallpaper from Parima Studio.
Parima Studio,
Style amp; Beauty,
First Anniversary of the Big Move
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
In true anniversary style, I wanted to round up what has gone down in the last year. I have:
-Started graduate school.
-Covered the anniversaries of 9/11 and Occupy Wall Street, the nanny murder on the Upper West Side, the financial crisis of a downtown dance studio and a struggling Harlem food bank.
-Ran two half marathons and a handful of other races. With Central Park as my running path, I am a lucky girl.
-Written about what's inside people's refrigerators and learned how to do a perfect squat from Heidi Klum's personal trainer.
-Met incredible girlfriends who pop open a can of Diet Coke with me and walk through Central Park whenever I need a break from graduate school madness.
-Eaten too many servings of Magnolia Bakery's banana pudding to count. And that sounds like just enough.
-Survived a hurricane.
-Gone from a long-distance relationship to having the man only two subway stops away. I never want to take that for granted.
Here's to another year, New York! How about we get me a master's degree and a full-time job next?
Engagement Ring Home Try-On Service
Monday, August 12, 2013
I still have weddings on the brain after Jared's mom's perfect garden wedding last weekend. In my post-wedding splendor, I came across a brilliant service that Ocappi, an online jewelry store, offers. With Ocappi's Home Try-On Service, you can select up to six rings and they'll send you the settings with cubic zirconia stones. You get to try them on within the comfort of your own home, then send the rings back after you've taken them for a test drive with no sales person breathing down your back.
Is this something you would try?
engagement ring,
Style amp; Beauty
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