Adele Knows Her Stuff

(a little pick-me-up every time I look at the keyboard)

"No one treats me as well as I do."-Adele on being single

Don't you love that?

I am no expert on dealing with grief. I have religion and a therapist to help me conquer that beast. And I am fully aware that a manicure will not solve deep heartbreak.

But it certainly doesn't hurt.

In those first terrifying weeks, it took all of my energy simply to shower and get to my job. Fortunately (and I say that with complete understanding of how fortunate I am for this), I had family to put a plate of food in front of me when it was time to eat and a Tylenol PM on my nightstand when it was time to sleep.

After some time, I was able to take care of myself again and I began incorporating little treats to me, from me, throughout the day. Because there is nothing wrong with loving yourself.

So this week, I'm going to share some of my favorite tiny, inexpensive ways to show yourself a little L-O-V-E.

What do you do for yourself? How do you love you?

1 comment

  1. Oh yes, agreed agreed. It's such a conscious process to REALLY take care of ourselves.
