Back Up

It's nice to see you (again).

Going back to the old site sends me into a spiral of grief. That mister is no longer my mister. Neither is Ono. And as much as I have missed writing, every time I click on that site, my heart sinks and I take a punch to the gut.

So now I'm here. A little scarred. Pretty bruised. But I'm here. And I'm glad you are too.


  1. i LOVE you. just know how amazing you are. We need to have a chat sometime, soon. I've been thinking a lot about you.

  2. So excited to stalk you again through another medium. Love you!

  3. You are so beautiful! Love that pic of you. I hope everything is going great for you. But I get the feeling that it's not. I would love to call you and catch up!

  4. don't think i ever told you- but, i love your words...and will be a followen'!

  5. [...] my divorce went through, I felt really ready to start dating again. I wasn’t anxious to get into [...]
